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Monday, February 13, 2012


Hello dear readers. Sorry , This time the new write again . Due to the presence of the revision a thesis never after . This time i want to write about etnosentrisme . This time not so complete as early my writing. Only a few can I outlines. Understandably most clay Facebook anyway. Student happy with facebook in class. But because free use wifi at the Uksw
Okay, get on with it. Etnosentrisme is a supposition or a tendency to see the world only from his own culture. Sometimes people often misinterpret the proposition that Etnosentrisme often consider negative. Actually, all that is in this world there is a negative impact and positive.
Etnosentris has an impact positive if we defends any one of of us . For example . We of the tribe of a . One of a tribe of we get the bad treatment of the tribe of b now we don 't receipt . Or tribe we in the contemptible by the other . Then we will be obliged defends the tribe of we . It the impact of positivenya . And the impact the negatives that actually etnosentrisme is one of disunion of the . We live in a territory . When we getting into trouble with such the impact of negative then shall be arising disunion . And will arising hostility . And can lead to broken fraternity of which there are in the area . Now the situation serious and will be tone bloodshed .
We live in a territory . When we get problem with such negative impact and will cause divisions . And will cause hostility . And can lead to broken  brotherly existing in the area . The situation serious and aka overtone bloodshed . Hence . Let us accept etnosentrisme not too fanatic . Because will result in a split. No war with racism. Bineka tunggal ika. And make world with peace. But no with rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. Bagus sekali kawan...
    Mungkin kita harus belajar menyadari dua sisi dari etnosentrisme itu sendiri, bahwa tak semua etnosentrisme itu buruk.... !!
    Keep Posting...
